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12/27- Dun dun DUN. I hope everyone had a great holiday season! This is the end of Book Three. I'll start working on Book Four in the new year to hopefully not have a super long gap again. But thanks for sticking with us!

11/21- They brought a sword to the sword party.

10/17 - A new challenger has finished their approach!

9/13- Acting like a normal person in society might not have been part of Iris’ training.

8/30- A new challenger continues to approach! Slowly!

8/16- Who among us hasn't yeeted a human being into a wall to make room for their magical girl friend. 

8/9- In today's comic, Ash gets a surprise in the form of a certain new transfer student.

8/1 - Welcome to August and a new comic page! A new challenger approaches!

7/19 - Page Two is up! And we'll be at AwesomeCon this year in DC! I'll be running around my first convention in FOREVER so if you see a poofy dress disaster it's probably me so stop by and say hi!

7/12- We're BACK, baby!  The first page of Book Three is up! It's been a long time coming, but it's time!

4/20- That’s it! We’ve reached the end of Book Two! Since I literally have nowhere to go indefinitely, I’m going to take a short break, work on some other art real quick and then get right to work on making Book Three! I hope everyone enjoyed this part!

4/3- Hi All! I fixed the comics links. I thought I understood Wix's dynamic page linkage thing, I in fact, do not. Surprise. Stay safe out there!

3/30- Whew! So sorry about no new comic last week. My Wacom charger decided it was time to stop working. Also, my cat Lola passed away mid week. It was not a good week. For any of of us really. But I'm trying to get back on schedule now. Thanks for sticking with me.
3/16- Stuck inside for the next few weeks? Why not curl up with some nice webcomics. We're also on Line Webtoon!

2/3- I'll be staffing at Katsucon Valentine's Day weekend doing panel registration. Convention is shaping up to be a great one this year!

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